Graduation is underway at Snow Hill High School! #ClassOf2023 #WeAreWorcester #CongratsGrads
almost 2 years ago, Worcester County Public Schools
graduate processional
graduate processional
graduate processional
graduate processional
A very warm thank you to our American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters for making our WCPS #ClassOf2023 graduations that much more accessible! 🤟 #WeAreWorcester #CongratsGrads
almost 2 years ago, Worcester County Public Schools
sign language interpreters sign I Love You at graduation
This morning, Snow Hill area schools celebrated SHHS and CCSS #Classof2023 with a senior walk! To check out more pictures, visit #WeAreWorcester
almost 2 years ago, Worcester County Public Schools
SHHS Graduation Walk - Elementary
SHHS Graduation Walk - Middle
SHHS Graduation Walk - High
CCSS Graduation Walk
SHHS Worcester on Wheels is sponsoring a FREE Health & Wellness Program led by Gary Press, Personal Trainer from G-Fit!!! Join us on Tuesdays and Thursdays from April 18 to May 11 at 3:30pm in the SHHS Auxiliary Gym! #WeSOARHigher #ReturntoGlory
almost 2 years ago, Worcester County Public Schools
Congratulations to our 2023 Snow Hill Teachers of the Year - Dawn Davis (SHES), Kristina Salvarola (SHMS), Chris Adkins (SHHS), Kristin Morris (CCSS), and Silviya Gallo (WTHS) - that were celebrated last night at the Rotary Teacher of the Year Banquet. An extended congratulations to the Rotary Scholarship Recipients - Ja'Naz Crawley, Justin Hurney, and Joelle Meekins. #WeSOARHigher #ReturntoGlory
almost 2 years ago, Worcester County Public Schools
Rotary TOY
Rotary TOY
Super Spring Break Sale!!! Buy a yearbook this week and get your name in a drawing to receive it for FREE!!! Visit the school website, click student life and choose the yearbook tab. Buy your yearbook, and your name will be in the drawing for a full refund and a free yearbook!
almost 2 years ago, Worcester County Public Schools
Super Sale
Join us in honoring our assistant principals (APs) during National Assistant Principals Week this week! A special thank you to our APs at Snow Hill High School for supporting our students and staff. #APweek23 #WeSOARHigher #ReturntoGlory
almost 2 years ago, Worcester County Public Schools
AP Week
Tonight's F.A.S.T. event was full of families, food, and FUN!!! Thank you to everyone who made it out to visit with your teachers... and an extra SHOUT OUT to our Baseball, Softball, and Tennis teams! We are proud to be SHHS Eagles! #WeSOARHigher #ReturntoGlory
almost 2 years ago, Worcester County Public Schools
Student wins STEM Award!
about 2 years ago, Worcester County Public Schools
students writing at their desks