😁 Eagles Bounty Food Pantry has extra zucchini, squash, and corn left over from today! Feel free to take what you'd like! First come, first serve! Vegetables available at front entrance! 😁

Food Pantry will have fresh produce & an assortment of frozen meat for your freezer! Boxes available TOMORROW 3:00-5:30pm. First come, first serve! Text Mrs. Townsend @ 757-392-7387 w/ questions. Pick up @ FRONT DOOR! https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/TheEaglesBountyFoodPantry@wcps.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/

*EAGLES BOUNTY Student Food Pantry*
Pick-up is August 1, 2024 from 3:00 pm- 5:30 pm!!! Contact Mrs. Browne or Mrs. Townsend for more information.
Click the link below:

Attention! Team Stores end tomorrow! Place your order TODAY so you will have your gear for the first games!
Football: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/7Lb46pcZTV
Cross Country: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/7XSknmsAKM
Boys Soccer: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/KaGTfjZpno
Girls Soccer: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/zhgCHvSduY
Cheerleading: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/KkVYoJuSj2
Volleyball: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/DSp5XKpBPx

*EAGLES BOUNTY Student Food Pantry* Click link to sign up: https://outlook.office365.com/book/TheEaglesBountyFoodPantry@wcps.onmicrosoft.com/ Pick-up is August 1, 2024 from 3:00 pm- 5:30 pm!!! (Frozen Protein Box)

Attention Students and Parents! SAVE THE DATE for this year's BIG BASH!

Come out to celebrate our 2024 Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees. The 1989 Men’s Basketball Team, Mr. Danny Hudson, and Mr. Edwin “Buddy” Shockley. The Hall of Fame game will be Friday, September 6th, and the Induction Ceremony and Dinner will be held Saturday September 7th. To purchase tickets for the Hall of Fame Dinner, contact Mrs. Vicki Purnell at vopurnell@worcesterk12.org or at 410-632-5270.

ATTENTION SENIORS! Sign up for a time slot with Ms. Hilbert to discuss all things SENIOR YEAR! Use the QR code OR click the link below:

* Obligations DUE* $$. Tomorrow, July 25 the office will be open until 5:00pm to pay and clear obligations! Reminder - students will not be able to participate in any practices, team events, or clubs until debt are settled. Thank you!

SHHS After School Academy - Session 1 sign-up will be coming soon!

Attention Students and Parents! SAVE THE DATE for this year's BIG BASH!

The SHHS Outdoor Academy enjoyed our last 2 field experiences exploring our national and state parks at Assateague Island. We had the best time with this dynamic and fun group of kids getting into nature all summer!

SHHS and PHS are so blessed to have Say it with Music come this week for Summer Academy thanks to True You Maryland, Worcester County Health Department and 21st CCLC secondary STAR grant. Day 1 and 2 are off to an amazing start! Day 1 students wrote their lyrics and Day 2 they started recording! 🎤🎙️🎧🎹🎶

Come out to celebrate our 2024 Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees. The 1989 Men’s Basketball Team, Mr. Danny Hudson, and Mr. Edwin “Buddy” Shockley. The Hall of Fame game will be Friday, September 6th, and the Induction Ceremony and Dinner will be held Saturday September 7th. To purchase tickets for the Hall of Fame Dinner, contact Mrs. Vicki Purnell at vopurnell@worcesterk12.org or at 410-632-5270.

Obligations DUE - students MAY NOT participate in any practices, team events, or clubs when atheltics begin on August 14th unless they have fully cleared their obligations. Parents/students can either come into school or contact the school to pay by credit card. Thank you!!

ATTENTION SENIORS! Sign up for a time slot with Ms. Hilbert to discuss all things SENIOR YEAR! Use the QR code OR click the link below:

Links to your fan gear are below!
Football: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/7Lb46pcZTV
Cross Country: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/7XSknmsAKM
Boys Soccer: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/KaGTfjZpno
Girls Soccer: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/zhgCHvSduY
Cheerleading: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/KkVYoJuSj2
Volleyball: https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/DSp5XKpBPx

Snow Hill Athletics Fall Fan Stores are now open. Scan the QR Code or follow the individual links below to find your favorite fan gear. Stores close on July 31st. Show your Go Eagles!

A big thank you to Cross Farms in Showell, MD for giving the Outdoor Learning Academy a great garden tour and mini-lecture about organic farming, seed saving and sustainability. We appreciate you!